Monday, 15 September 2014

Autumn Nails - Tutorial

Autumn Nails

What You Will Need?

  • Black Nail Art Pen
  • Clear Nail Varnish
  • Dark Orange/ Light Brown Nail Varnish
  • Top Coat

First Step:

Apply a coat of the clear nail varnish, to protect your natural nail. 

Second Step:

Apply two thin even coats of your orange/brown nail varnish. Applying two coats makes the colour look more solid. 

Third Step:

Take the black nail art pen and make a thick line in the middle of the nail. This will be the tree trunk.

Go on to add three or four more thinner lines to the trunk to make branches. Make sure they're not straight and bend a little. These will be your main branches. 

Start to add thinner and crooked smaller lines coming off of the three main branches to make it look more ' tree like ' 

Once it has dried seal your new autumn nails so your design doesn't chip, this makes it last longer. 

Tell me what you thought of this tutorial in the comments and what you would like to see in the future.

Thank you for reading.
Abbie-Leigh xo

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Leopard Pattern Nail Tutorial

I wouldn't usually choose red leopard print but I let my little cousin choose the colours. 

What will you need? 

I didn't use my real nail today so I used a fake practice nail for 56p on amazon
From the Rio ultimate profession nail artist collection - Argos - £29.99
  • Black Nail Art Pen
  • Red Nail Varnish
  • 2 in 1 Clear Nail Varnish
  • Dotting applicator 
From other stores
  • Miss Sporty clear Nail Varnish - £1.99
  • Avon Gel Finish - Salmon Pink Colour - £3.50 (currently on sale, usually £7 )
  • Avon Gem Applicator - £1.50
  • Nail art gems - Amazon - £1.00

Step 1:  Take the 2 in 1 varnish and apply to a clean nail, this is to protect the natural nail from discolouration. 

Step 2: Apply two even thin coats of your base colour, I used the Avon Gel finish here. Wait for it to dry. 

Step 3: Once the base coat is dry use the dotting tool to add the red dots
Tip 1: Don't put dots in the centre, it makes it look unnatural. 
Tip 2: Don't do your dots perfectly round, make them a bit elongated and curvy. 
Wait for the dots to dry. 

Step 4: Use the Black nail art pen to draw little c's and u's around the red dots. 
Tip: Never let the u's and c's meet always leave gaps. 

Step 5: After you've put the darker lines around the dots take the nail art pen and draw little black dots and little lines in between the red dots on the parts that look bare, again don't make them perfect. Wait to dry.
After this use the miss sporty clear nail varnish to stop your design and nail from chipping.

Step 6: (optional) Use nail varnish, or clear nail varnish to glue on some red coloured gems, make sure you use a clear nail varnish to seal them in so they don't fall off. 

Let me know in the comments how it went for you. 

Abbie-Leigh xo

Monday, 8 September 2014

Rose Nail Tutorial - 6 easy steps!

Before I start I just want to say I'm not a professional, I do my nails in my spare time and thought maybe someone someday might like it and even use it. 

First of all here's all the tools and polish's you will need: 

(From Left to right) 

Dark Green ( Avon Nail Wear Pro - Peppermint - £3.00)
Mint Green ( Avon Speed Dry - sprightly Minty - £3.00)
Miss Sporty Clear Nail Varnish - Boots - £1.99
Rio 2in1 Clear Nail Polish (Comes as set with nail tools) - Argos -£29.99
Ted Baker - Sweet On you - Boots - 8.50 (comes as a duo with another nail polish)
Light Pink ( Avon Gel Finish - £7)
Large Dotting tool (comes with the Rio set)
Detailing Brush (comes with the Rio set)

To start off with you want to apply the 2 in 1 varnish to protect your natural nail and to avoid any discolouration or yellowing of the nail. 

The next step is you want to paint the mint green as your base coat - apply 2 thin even layers to make the colour more solid. 

Once the base coat has dried after applying two thin even layers you want to take the large side of the dotting tool and use your darker pink to add two dots (after this I did add another one as it looked bare, but add as many or as few as you'd like)

I know I know they're not perfect but the next step I did was add little light pink lines around and in the dark pink dot to look like petals, experiment with this until you think it's perfect after all you could always erase your lighter lines by going over it with the dark pink. 

After the lines are dry and you are happy with your rose like flower you can start to add leaves. Take the dark green and with the detailing brush add fine lines around the flower, in this picture I've shown you different types you could have, which I find the simplest. 

The final step is to add the miss sporty clear nail varnish to avoid chipping to the nail and to make your design last longer! 

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial comment and let me know if you'd like more or what you'd like me to blog about in the future! 

Abbie-Leigh xo 

Abbie-Leigh xo's Top Five Favourite Youtubers

I watch a lot of YouTube in my spare time! I watch in the ad breaks of TV shows, on the bus and in bed. Any spare minute I have if one of my favourite youtubers have posted I'm there straight away! So here are my top five favourite youtubers:

5. fouseyTUBE - Yousef Saleh Erakat
I love love love fousey tube, he has an amazing channel with over 3 millions subscribers. His channel contains brilliant hilarious pranks and sometimes heart breaking public experiments. I've not been a subscriber long but he is already one of my favourites and go to channels.

4. Pointless Blog - Alfie Deyes
Of course Alfie was going to be in my top five list. I love his videos so much and along with everyone else I love #zalfie I have been a subscriber before 300,000 subscribers and now he has nearly 3 million!

3. Sprinkle of Glitter - Louise Pentland
When I  discovered Louise through one of Zoella's videos at first I really disliked her but then I watched more of her videos and the vlogs she appeared in and now she's 3rd on my top five. She has some hilarious stories which I could listen to ten times over and still laugh.

2. Shaytards - Shay Butler, Colette Butler and children!
Second in my top five are the Shaytards, also know as youtubes first family! I watch their vlogs everyday and never get bored of seeing their day to day life. This family defiantly deserves all the success they have had from selling maker studios and its amazing to see them refurbish and move into their dream home.

1. Zoella - Zoe Sugg
Here is my favourite all time youtuber! Zoella. All of her videos are entertaining and are fun to
watch. She now has close to 6 million subscribers which is crazy! Each of her videos are different from the last. I love Zoe's channel and can't for her book ' the girl online ' to come out!

Tough Decisions - University

There are hundreds of thousands of people all over the world just starting or waiting to start university. I am not one of them! 

In my final year of college, studying drama, I started to prepare to go university. I signed up for ucas, chose five university's in the UK to try to at least get an interview or a conditional offer but it was something I wasn't certain on. Even though I was applying and making my personal statement look the best it can, in the back of my mind I always thought is this what I want? 
Another question I asked myself when making my decision is do I need this for my hopeful future acting career? I've always known I never wanted to be a teacher or anything but just acting. When I realised I didn't need a degree for my career it made me think more into why I was applying. 

Weighing up my options 

As the date was getting closer to finishing my two year course I was still undecided. I was panicking thinking what if I can never make a decision? What if I choose the wrong one? and still asking myself is this really what I want? Going to university seemed the easy way out I mean I'd already gone to the interviews/auditions and got two conditional offers. University meant I knew what I was going to do with the next three years of my life, but was I really going to do something that's going my make me unhappy for three years?
So my advice to making the right decision about university ask yourself these five questions:

Do I need this degree?
Am I choosing the easy option?
Do I have any serious doubts?
Will going to university make me happy or unhappy?
If I choose not to go will it be a relief?

After asking yourself these questions I hope you make the right decision for you.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Pink Nails

I am in no way a professional but I love sitting at home coming up with nail designs and thinking what the next design can be, what gems, glitters and colours I can use. For the past couple of weeks I've been in a pink mood so here is two pink nail designs that I absolutely love! 

First Abbie-Leigh xo Blog!

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a few weeks now. I don't want to have a particular genre or topic about what I post, I just want to post what I feel like putting on the internet and what I'm interested in at the time. It could be nail designs, baking or general thoughts.